Rev. Theodora Pendragon
Theodora Pendragon is an ordained Cleric and Priestess through Sacred Well Congregation and serves on the Board of Deacons as Director of Public Affairs.
The military has been her life. She grew up in Germany as an Army Brat, served in the US Army Military Intelligence as a Morse Code Interceptor, and then as a military spouse she supported her husband’s thirty-year military career. Having lived in Europe, the Far East and seven states, one could say Theodora is from nowhere and everywhere, but now she calls Texas “home.”
Theodora attended State University of New York at Oswego where she obtained her Master’s
Degree in Counseling and Human Services. She has extensive experience as a psychotherapist
and program manager in various settings: non-profit agencies, residential treatment centers
and military facilities. Theodora currently maintains an independent private practice, providing
a wide range of services to diverse populations. But that’s not her only career. Theodora is also
a licensed realtor and enjoys helping people buy and sell property.
Even though Theodora considers herself a homebody, she has a very active lifestyle. You can
often find her tinkering with craft projects and turning someone else’s trash into masterpieces
that she has refinished and repurposed.
When you feel good, you do better in life is her philosophy. Therefore, physical fitness is a top
priority. Theodora has run several short- and long-distance races, including qualifying for and
running the Boston Marathon. She also enjoys working out at her local gym.
Theodora is a published author of Taking the Flight Out of the Broom Closet which brews with
suggestions and strategies about coming out of the proverbial broom closet. It is filled with
stories about real witches who have stirred the pot of ignorance and resistance.
You can also listen to her podcast Witchcasting with Theodora Pendragon as Theodora and her
guests share magickal moments, stir the cauldron, and debunk misinformation and
misconceptions about Paganism, witches and witchcraft. You can follow Witchcasting with
Theodora Pendragon wherever podcasts are streamed.