Rev. René Delaere
Arghuicha was born in Brugge in 1944. He studied Latin and Greek in Brugge and later math and theoretic physics in Gent. After completing his studies, he taught math and theoretic physics at the John Orr Technical High school in Johannesburg, South Africa for a year.
Most of his professional career was spent working at the computer department of Siemens Data.
In 1973 Rene was initiated in freemasonry in the Lodge Pieter de Zuttere of the Grand Lodge Belgium. He gives seminars for the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in East-Flanders for the High Council for Belgium.
In 1986 He was initiated in the Alexandrian coven Ursa Major by Elsie Kloeg and Kobus van Doorne. In 1990 Arghuicha, with the help of his partner Hera, founded what is now known as the GreencraftTM Wicca Tradition.